donderdag 24 november 2011

Mens, durf te leven!

Het drong ineens tot me door vanavond, dat ik de komende  drie jaar vrij ben om te gaan en te staan waar ik wil. Munay-Inti heeft nog geen schoolplicht. Hier zit potentie in. Ik vraag me al een tijdje af wat de reden is dat ik alweer ruim een jaar niet een eigen stek heb. Ik voel dat daar een reden achter zit, die zichzelf gaat onthullen.
Stel dat nou dat alles precies klopt zoals het nu is? Stel nu dat het bijvoorbeeld helemaal niet de bedoeling is dat ik, ook al is er kind en hond, een vaste woonplek heb? Ook al ben ik me aardig bewust van conditioneringen vanuit de maatschappij of familie die me tegen houden echt authentiek te leven, ben ik me de laatste weken weer bewust geworden dat er nog lijntjes zitten die me tegen houden.
Wat vraagt het leven nu van mij?

Vrij worden van
Vrij worden van conditioneringen, aanpassingen, schoolsgedrag, van angst om een ander verdriet te doen, van blijven zitten waar het veilig en vertrouwd voelt, voor dat veilige en vertrouwde kiezen.
Vrij worden van beperkende banden met mensen en plekken (er zijn er velen die nog tot na de dood hun huis niet kunnen verlaten).

Vrij worden om
Vrij worden om te gaan waar mijn Ziel wil gaan. Vrij om eigen keuzes te maken. Om te leven vanuit mijn hart. Vrij om het even niet te weten, niet te willen, niet te moeten.

Om vrij te Zijn. Vrij te voelen, ook al zijn er nog hier en daar beperkende lijntjes, gedachten, contracten. Want met vrij voelen begint de reis.
Vrij om Mijn Ziel te Leven.

Deze intense vertolking raakt dit helemaal:

zondag 6 november 2011

Your heart your Temple

In my daily meditation, laying next to my daughter feeding her and helping her to fall asleep, a beautiful thing happened. I like to share it so you may get some inspiration from it too.

While I am breathing in and out very slowly, with my awareness concentrated in my 5th heartchambre, I see an image of a hugh golden flower with four pettels. The heart of the flower is the round and also gold.
I go inside the first pettel, knowing this is my own heart, with a double-pointed clear crystal in my hand.
I hold the crystal in front of me, asking it to clean this room from all the old stories which are holding me back. Stories that like old movies keep repeating and repeating itself. I stay in this room till I get a feeling of space and light. I walk to the next room.
This room is filled with books and books of all my limited contracts I wrote down in all of my lives. Rules I made for myself, to protect, to keep myself in a false safe space. Again I hold the crystal in front of me, knowing it works like a energetic vaccuum-cleaner (imagine you could clean your house like this!). When I get the feeling of space and light, I walk to the third room.
Here I see myself offering little white flowers, placing them on the floor, for all my Soul-Parts that had to separate themselves from me, because I could in the past not take care of them. I bring these offerings to thank them for not leaving me but waiting in a safe space till the time came they could return home.
I let them know that I am ready to take full responsibility for my own well-being and will listen and act to their needs. Feeling the grace that comes with returning Soulparts, I walk on to the fourth chambre.
The chambre of treasures. When I walk in I use the crystal to remove the dust and sand that hide all the beautiful things I have inside. All the talents that were still buried for many many years or even lifetimes, now become visible. Everywhere I look I see beautiful shiny sparkling objects. Everything radiates a high energy. Like a real treasure. I feel so joyful and rich and blessed, to know that all of this is inside me.
With this uplifting feeling I take the last step and enter my own inner temple, the fifth heart-chambre.
What I feel here is more important then what I see.
It is the biggest room. I feel the Flower of Life. I see the golden light of the temple of Seti I in Abydos. Pureness. Silence. My own Temple where no one else is allowed. My Sacred Space. A Holy Place.
Home. I am Home.

The temples I visited on all of my travels the last couple of years, felt like home to me. All the Churches, all the Mosks, all the Temples, they all are reminders of the one and only true Temple.
Your own inner Heart.

When you like to visit your own Temple too, remember not to visualize but just let the images come to you. The feeling you get is more important then what you see.
Visualizing puts you in your mind. Feeling in your heart.


vrijdag 4 november 2011

11-11-11 New Year?

Doesn't 11-11-11 sound much more as New Year then 1-1-12?
I don't know about you, but here every day I get chances to clean up some old stuff. To make room for an new beginning. To embrace the old, to un-cover darkness I forgot about (or I tried at least).
Do we see the chances? Do we take them gratefully? 

Yesterday I did something which another person made angry and frustrated. Luckily she shared that with me. I felt that this was not about me personally but of course it still had something to do with a theme of my own.
Because I felt not emotionally I could easily go the source of the theme.
I lay next to my daughter waiting for her to sleep. I have found a new way for my daily meditations ;-)
Thinking about what happened it suddenly struck me. In short it is like Soul Retrieval:
Something happens to you which makes you feel hurt, sad, angry, etc. This is what we call the first wound.
In my case I realise a theme of being afraid to stand up to some one whose help I need. While I relaxt next to my little girl ;-), I felt my inner little girl. She was afraid to be anything els then loving and understanding towards her care-taker, because without her she was helpless. What was then a way of surviving, became later on a habbit. It always goes like that. The little girl made herself a new way of thinking to be able to survive. This is what we call 'A Soul-contract".
My contract became then:" I need always be loving and understanding to the person whose help I need. No matter how this person acts towards me. Because if I don't, I ll loos her help and I will be helpless and alone."
In that moment that was really true. When you are three years old you can not take care of yourself. When you are 20 and still acting on it, then you can call it a habbit.
And the habbit will keep repating itself untill you realise the source of it.
The first time it happened you made a promise or a contract with yourself.
Now it is the time to erase or delete all contracts you made for yourself which are holding back from a new, free way of living. Which will start from 11-11-11.
There are many ways to do this. Theta healing, Soul Retrieval, the Hawainhealing technic thank you-I love. Many more.
And also by talking to this subperson who made the contract in the past.
Like this for example:
"My little girl of three, you were hurt because of lack of love and safety. But what you developped because of this contract is that your gift is to bring joy and happiness to other people. You were trained to be loving and understanding no matter what. Now it is time to give this to yourself. Being happy and joyful is the responsibility of the person her or himself. No one can make another person happy. They have to do that themselves.
Free yourself from that task. Be happy and joyful and if some one is open for it,  joy and happiness will be touched inside themselves. "

I am not helpless anymore. The situation when I was three is way back. When I say "thank you for the lessons it brought me, I love you, little girl, you were very strong (and smart and funny)", she can rest and play and just be herself. 

When I look at my daughter I see that this is what she is doing. Just by smiling at people, she brings joy. We walk in the street and some one across the street is waving at her. I stop so she can look. She starts to laugh and people stand laugh back to her.
She is just herself. The day she was born she smiled. She was born happy and joyful. Now I have healed this in myself, she reminds me that there is nothing I have to do, just be.
My beautiful sweet and strong little teacher.

We are all helping each other to climb up the level of frequenties.
Some will do this by bringing joy. Others will help you by projecting their wounds at you.
Dark or Light, they are just two ways of reaching Home.

What will bring tomorrow for the new beginning?