Geinspireerd door een artikel in ( ja, van de makers van Happinez) van een vader die ging mediteren naast zijn dochter wanneer die niet de slaap kon vatten, lag ik naast Inti ademhalingsoefeningen te doen, te chanten en de stilte op te zoeken in mijn hart. Waarschijnlijk wel een grappig gezicht, dochterlief kletsen en lachen en ik ernaast te hmmmmmm-en. Maar het werkte en daar gaat het om. Geen gevecht (behalve die in het begin met mezelf) en geen gehuil. Ze viel, van verveling misschien, in slaap.
Maar wat ik wil zeggen, is dat tijdens het zoeken naar de stilte en ontspanning in mezelf een inzicht boven kwam drijven. Doordat eindelijk weer eens al die innerlijke stemmen hun mond hielden, kon mijn ziel weer eens wat wijsheid kwijt.
Terwijl ik dus zo in mijn hart zat, herinnerde ik me de vijfde hartkamer. Ik ging in gedachten de eerste vier aardse af ( niet vier kamers, maar twee boezems (wie heeft dat bedacht?) en twee kamers natuurlijk). En stemde me vervolgens af op de vijfde, de etherische. Zie je de link met de vier elementen? Vijf dus, ether.
De vier natuurelementen houden ons vast aan de Aarde zoals we haar nu kennen.
Om de overgang te kunnen maken naar de Nieuwe Aarde werkt het vijfde element als een brug. De vijfde Bovenwereld zoals die door de oude Sjamanen beschreven wordt, is de Lichtwereld. De wereld van de Engelen, de lichtsteden, de Lichtwezens. en ook waar de Nieuwe Aarde al bestaat. Onze bestemming.
Vijf is dus een sleutelgetal voor de overgangsfase waarin we nu, echt nu, zitten. Vijf is dus niet het doel. Het is de brug.
Vanavond, toen ik zo'n mooie les in geduld kreeg, herinnerde ik me deze simpele tool. Iets in mij wist deze kamer, waar alles is, waar geen tijd is, waar ik samen met Inti kan zijn, om met gratie en geduldig de brug te bewandelen naar de Nieuwe Tijd.
In deze kamer past de hele wereld. Iedereen die je lief is en ook al die anderen.
In deze kamer is alles, de oude en de nieuwe Aarde, tijd en niet-tijd, geschiedenis en bestemming, vraag en antwoord.
Deze kamer is vol-ledig.
zaterdag 29 oktober 2011
zaterdag 15 oktober 2011
Be a Rebel!
Be a rebel
If you care about your life.
Be a rebel
If you care about all life.
A rebel of peace
Who doesn't fight
But flows like water
And is fresh as pure air.
Rebel of peace
Think for yourself, don't follow mainstream,
They're going the wrong direction.
Never trust a power outside yourself
Only real Power
Who share its secrets with you
Without holding back.
Think first:
Who benefits this?
All life or only himself?
Think again
Do I really need this?
Can I live without?
Am I still be free then?
Am I still authentic?
Or does it fills a hole inside me,
Covers up a pain or shame,
Does it move me away from Me.
Be free, be creative,
Give without expecting something in return.
Be a rebel and choose
That which benefits all Life.
Poison keeps you imprisoned
In your mind, in your thoughts.
Choose pure food, pure water,
And it will give you in return
Pure energy and a pure heart.
A pure heart will bring you
Knowing you need so little to have and to do
To live a healthy wealthy happy life.
Being different is what this world needs.
Join us and
You will not feel different anymore
You will be a rebel
Among old friends.
You are never alone.
(Thérèse, 15-10-2011)
If you care about your life.
Be a rebel
If you care about all life.
A rebel of peace
Who doesn't fight
But flows like water
And is fresh as pure air.
Rebel of peace
Think for yourself, don't follow mainstream,
They're going the wrong direction.
Never trust a power outside yourself
Only real Power
Who share its secrets with you
Without holding back.
Think first:
Who benefits this?
All life or only himself?
Think again
Do I really need this?
Can I live without?
Am I still be free then?
Am I still authentic?
Or does it fills a hole inside me,
Covers up a pain or shame,
Does it move me away from Me.
Be free, be creative,
Give without expecting something in return.
Be a rebel and choose
That which benefits all Life.
Poison keeps you imprisoned
In your mind, in your thoughts.
Choose pure food, pure water,
And it will give you in return
Pure energy and a pure heart.
A pure heart will bring you
Knowing you need so little to have and to do
To live a healthy wealthy happy life.
Being different is what this world needs.
Join us and
You will not feel different anymore
You will be a rebel
Among old friends.
You are never alone.
(Thérèse, 15-10-2011)
maandag 10 oktober 2011
Close to God
"Let her learn Arabic, so she can talk to her father and some verses from the Koran", Mahmoud asked me when he saw his daughter when she was three months old.
The first part was more then logic to me. The language is part of her being and talking to her father in his language would be a gift for both of them.
The second part I felt resistance. Why I couldn't say yet. I didn't know myself.
Till a couple of nights ago. I lay next to her and remembered his words. Then it became clear what the resistance was all about. It has nothing to do with the Koran or the Islam. Her father had showed me the beautiful and loving side of this religion.
If I would teach her about the Islam, or any other religion, I would lead her immediately away from her own inner knowing of God.
She just came from the Source.
She remembers much better what it is and how it feels then I may do. She will move away form this knowing as soon as a grown-up will tell her from a book written by other grown-ups what or who God is and how we should live by His rules.
No. I can not do this.
She may be here to tell me about Her! To remember us what we have forgotten, because we were moved away from our own inner knowing since we were very small.
When the time comes when she is going to ask questions about this subject, I may answer her:
"You tell me, you know all about it."
What a beautiful challenge that will be, to keep my thoughts about this to myself. Thanks to Boudewijn Leliveld who said this to me, when I asked something I knew myself:
"You tell me, you know all about it.". He taught me not to take the most easy way by asking another person for the answers. But check your own inner library. You may have to wait for a while to get answers. But the answers will be the right ones for you.
The first part was more then logic to me. The language is part of her being and talking to her father in his language would be a gift for both of them.
The second part I felt resistance. Why I couldn't say yet. I didn't know myself.
Till a couple of nights ago. I lay next to her and remembered his words. Then it became clear what the resistance was all about. It has nothing to do with the Koran or the Islam. Her father had showed me the beautiful and loving side of this religion.
If I would teach her about the Islam, or any other religion, I would lead her immediately away from her own inner knowing of God.
She just came from the Source.
She remembers much better what it is and how it feels then I may do. She will move away form this knowing as soon as a grown-up will tell her from a book written by other grown-ups what or who God is and how we should live by His rules.
No. I can not do this.
She may be here to tell me about Her! To remember us what we have forgotten, because we were moved away from our own inner knowing since we were very small.
When the time comes when she is going to ask questions about this subject, I may answer her:
"You tell me, you know all about it."
What a beautiful challenge that will be, to keep my thoughts about this to myself. Thanks to Boudewijn Leliveld who said this to me, when I asked something I knew myself:
"You tell me, you know all about it.". He taught me not to take the most easy way by asking another person for the answers. But check your own inner library. You may have to wait for a while to get answers. But the answers will be the right ones for you.
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